Sunday, February 26, 2012

Creating a Wiremesh using Inkscape

I stumbled across a really cool technique to create a wiremesh using Inkscape. Here is what I made.

I just created a simple wiremesh and the duplicated it and gave it a horizontal flip to give it a night lamp'ish effect.

Here's how I made the above.
  1. First create a simple path, using the bezier path tool.
  2. Create another path, or duplicate the original create a second path and and give the second path a displacement.
  3. Then select both the paths and perform a Path->Combine.
  4. Then choose Path -> Path Effect Editor.
  5. From the apply new effect drop down, select "Stitch Sub Paths" and add it. On performing this step, you will see that several lines are drawn between the two paths. You can configure the number of lines drawn by using the options that are available. I used about 100 lines and left the other options to their defaults.
  6. Then I simply gave the strokes a red color.
  7. Now if you select Inkscape's node edit tool and click on the mesh, you would be able to see the nodes of the path which you can use the modify the shape of the mesh.

Keep playing and you can come up with some pretty interesting patterns. Here's another of mine.

Is that at least slightly similar to the bat symbol? It took just 1 minute to create it.
You can use the tecnhique to create grids by playing with the number of paths that are used to stitch the two paths and then create a duplicate and doing a vertical flip.

Too easy to be so good I'd say? Enjoy!

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